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A message from Dolly's Dream. Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in the incredible and emotional journey of Dolly's Dream so far.   After Dolly left us, we knew we would need a tribe around us, and...
The 2024 Cohuna Show footage has been uploaded to the KAJX112 YouTube Channel. Stream Backup Files https://youtu.be/cgFHItSIVt0 https://youtu.be/iiYazZpIG1M Camera Backup Files https://youtu.be/_alPURov8_I https://youtu.be/IastzTy0mA4 https://youtu.be/iDTXmSPQJJk https://youtu.be/dkaUQNIrwts
Koondrook will host rounds of the Echuca Over 60s Cricket Carnival this week, with matches played on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. At this stage, KAJX has committed to all three games. However, Kendall will attend a...