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A month on

This time last month I had a full total knee replacement. The recovery road has been hindered by frosty mornings this week. Apart from that, it has been going to schedule. The wound site has healed well. I have two weeks of heavy restrictions before I can begin my first exercise program.

On wards and upwards. 

Total Knee Replacement

Well, what can I say? After destroying my knee in October 1996 while at an Army Reserve Training Course at Puckapunyal. On Wednesday, I had a total knee replacement.

I am looking forward to the challenge of being able to exercise. Hopefully, I can walk and have an exercise regime—all a new world. 

‘Go Blue to END BULLYING’ on May 10, 2024

A message from Dolly’s Dream.

Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in the incredible and emotional journey of Dolly’s Dream so far.  

After Dolly left us, we knew we would need a tribe around us, and we are so thankful that you chose to be part of it.  🦋

We truly appreciate you for sticking with us, so we thought you might like to hear from us personally about Do It For Dolly Day 2024.  

Our ask is simple ‘Go Blue to END BULLYING’ on May 10, 2024. We already know this year is going to be bigger and better than ever! 

We’ve put a lot of thought into it and we know that Dolly would approve. After all, blue was her favourite colour. 💙  

Will you join us and GO BLUE? 

With your ongoing support, we believe we can go even further this year to spread kindness and END BULLYING.

With kindness, 

Kate and Tick Everett

Cohuna Show BackUp Footaged Loaded

The 2024 Cohuna Show footage has been uploaded to the KAJX112 YouTube Channel.

Stream Backup Files

Camera Backup Files

Koondrook Over 60’s Cricket Carnival

Koondrook will host rounds of the Echuca Over 60s Cricket Carnival this week, with matches played on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. At this stage, KAJX has committed to all three games. However, Kendall will attend a big funeral on Friday (it depends on mindset).


KAJX heads to the Cohuna Show Friday and Saturday

KAJX will be covering the Cohuna Show this Friday and Saturday.

While KAJX will try to broadcast live, some internet issues on the oval may prevent KAJX from doing so. However, we will record the event and upload the backup files to KAJX’s YouTube channel, kajx112.





Today, March 9, KAJX will be at the Wakool Show for the equestrian show jumping and will stream the evening events afterwards. Streams will be available on the fly once the morning equestrian events have ended.

Wakool Show Live Streaming

KAJX will be heading to the Wakool Show on Saturday, March 9.

Firstly, the equestrian show jumping.

Then KAJX will stream the evening events.

Streams will be ‘on the fly’ after the morning equestrian events.

Live Broadcasts Today From Koondrook | March 3

A massive day of cricket at Koondrook, hitting off at 8:40 Sunday Morning with the Northern Districts Cricket Association Grand Final Day 2. 

Live Broadcasts Today From Koondrook | March 2

A massive day of cricket at Koondrook, hitting off at 8:40 Saturday Morning with the Northern Districts Cricket Association Grand Final Day 1. 

In the afternoon, Swan Hill District Cricket Association A Grade match between Barham Koondrook and St Mary’s Tyntynder.